Do you want to be in control on the IELTS Listening Exam?
Do you feel out of control when you listen to English?
It can be a scary feeling.
Today you’ll find out how to create a confident relationship between you and your English listening skills.
Are you worried that you won’t understand what they say on the Listening test?
Maybe you will feel like you are drowning and your IELTS dreams will go out the window as you forget to listen to the rest of the test.
We’re going to give you three steps that you can take at home to increase your listening comprehension.
Today we’re not talking about IELTS strategy or skills.
This is just how to improve your general listening skills.
Our tips to build listening confidence:
- Step #1) Listen to a movie and put the subtitles on: This will improve your listening because you are increasing your chances of understanding. We practice in an easy way first with this step then we get better then we move to the next level and challenge ourselves more. This can be a simple You Tube video, a TV sitcom, a drama, or anything else. Choose what is interesting to you. We suggest “Wild” or “Into the Wild.” These are both great movies that will inspire you and keep you interested. You will forget that you are watching a movie and that you are practicing English. These movies will make you cry. When you have tears running down your face you are not thinking about grammar anymore
- Step #2) Listen to a podcast/TED Talks/Radio with your eyes closed: This will increase your comprehension. You will absorb the sounds of English. Practice immersing yourself in the sounds. On the test you are not expected to understand every word so don’t put that pressure on yourself. You need to change the way you think about listening comprehension. Don’t be a perfectionist. Create a new way to feel when you listen to English. Try the All Ears English Podcast.
- Step #3) Watch or listen with no help or tools: This is your last step. No subtitles. No crutches. You could do this with the same resource that you used for step 1. You could also choose something new and watch it fresh from the beginning. Relax. Try to watch something for pleasure. Choose something that is good quality. Connection NOT Perfection! That means you want to connect with the movie as art. Don’t obsess over understanding every word.
What are your tips and tricks for improving your listening comprehension?
Let us know in the comments below.