Do you feel overwhelmed on the IELTS Listening Test?
It’s hard when you have to listen, read, and write all at the same time.
Do you want to feel more confident on IELTS Listening?
Today find out how to manage it all with confidence and a clear head.
To conquer this challenge you need:
#1) Test strategies: Follow the directions.
Do what they tell you to do!
You need to know what to expect.
You will hear the introduction which will tell you what kind of situation you are going to listen to and who is going to talk.
Pay attention to this introduction!
Don’t skip ahead and look at the questions.
At this time you can open your brain box and pull up the vocabulary that you already know.
This will put you one step ahead when it comes to the Listening test.
Next you’ll have time to look at the questions. Be active. Circle key words.
Know what you are listening for- is it a name? a number? a date?
Have that information in your head when you start listening.
Next you will listen to the conversation and listen for the answers.
This part is scary but if you do the two steps that we described before this, you will reduce your anxiety and you will be ready to write down the right answers.
Next you are going to go back and check your answers when the instructions tell you to do it. Don’t forget that your first answers are usually correct!
Don’t second guess yourself.
Don’t try to ignore the instructions or outsmart the test.
#2) Test practice:
After you have done step 1 and you have gotten good at the steps and strategies, next you can do test practice.
Get a booklet of practice tests and practice under test conditions.
Don’t skip step 1 because it you don’t learn the strategies then you will never increase your score through test practice.
Actually you will hurt your score and your confidence.
#3) General listening practice:
Get great listening material such as podcasts or You Tube movies or Ted Talks.
Don’t just stick to ESL material.
Listen to material designed for native speakers.
Try to listen to at least 15 minutes of English every single day and you will get more comfortable with the sounds of native English.
What questions do you have about the Listening Test advice?
Let us know in the comments below.