Today you’ll get 5 questions for IELTS Speaking motivation this week!
Recently, I posted some questions in our course’s closed Facebook group to encourage students to speak.
I know how difficult it can be to stay motivated to talk to yourself, as you have to do to improve fluency.
Every Monday, I post a 7+ Insider Tip of the Week. They’re not just IELTS Speaking questions, however!
These topics today are designed to inspire you to think about the shining future in front of you, to help you find motivation to keep working hard and reach your goals.
They’ll also, of course, help you practice speaking English, to improve Fluency and Coherence.
You can discuss these questions with a partner, out loud to yourself, or use them for journal entries to improve writing fluency.
Tackle one of these questions each day, for 5 days this week.
Brainstorm for 1 minute, then talk or write for 3-5 minutes.
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5 Questions for IELTS Motivation
1. What will you miss most when you leave your city/country?
2. What are you most interested in experiencing in the place you are moving to?
3. What do you want your life to be like in 5 years’ time?
4. What achievement are you most proud of accomplishing in the last 5 years?
5. What are you doing right now to create the life you want in the future?
How would you answer these questions?
Share your answers in the comments section below!