Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Do you get in arguments?

Do you wish that you knew how to avoid little tiffs with loved ones?

Today we’re talking about arguments and fights, which are a very common part of life.

Though you may not want to get into fights, knowing how to talk about them can be very important.

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Arguments Happen Sometimes

There are some things that are just a part of life, even if you don’t like them much–and one such area is arguments.

It’s so important not to get into arguments, but sometimes it does happen and you can’t pretend it doesn’t!

It has happened to all of us, because try as you might sometimes arguments are inevitable.

It happens in relationships, with friends, with family, and sometimes even with strangers. 

Do you always say you “got in a fight” or you “got in an argument” with someone?

We are going to give you some new ways to talk about arguments today–so even if you want to avoid them you at least know how to talk about them.

We’ve done a few related episodes int he past that may help you to understand some background.

How To Show Respect While You Argue In English

How To Defend Your Point Without Losing The Connection

Other Words To Use

What other words can you use to talk about arguments?

You might be surprised at just how often you talk about arguments in conversation.

Some of these words are more based on a physical argument, and some are more appropriate for a verbal argument because both types are very real.

For verbal arguments

  • Tiff: This is talking about a small fight that usually passes quickly. You could say “I had a little tiff with my boyfriend last night, but it’s okay now.”
  • Spat: This is also a small fight, though it may not be used as often since it’s rather old fashioned sounding. You might hear “The parents had a spat over which restaurant to go to for dinner.”
  • Quarrel: This is used pretty frequently but is definitely more formal. It’s definitely about a verbal type of argument and you might hear it used frequently. You could say “Don’t quarrel with your mother! She is trying so hard to make you happy.”

For more physical types of arguments

  • Scuffle: You can almost sound the physical nature to this term. This definitely refers to a physical type of fight that happens. You might say “After the boys teased each other, they had a scuffle in the cafeteria that had to be broken up. They made up with  each other later on that day.”
  • Brawl: This is bigger and even more physical. This doesn’t end well and people can get hurt. You could hear “There was a brawl in the center of the mall today.”

Why are we working on these words?

It’s important to be able to describe a situation, even if it isn’t a pleasant one.

Sometimes repeating words like argument or fight can be boring, and so these words allow you to be more descriptive and colorful. 

Tips To Avoid Arguments

Though sometimes they are inevitable, sometimes you can avoid arguments.

If you want to do your part to avoid them, then here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

  • Talk it out: Sometimes just talking through the issue at hand can make a huge difference. It can make for a great conversation and ensure that you keep things calm.
  • Be honest: Don’t lie or try to hide things, but rather just put it all out there. Be honest with the person that you are talking to, and it can avoid a conflict.
  • Think the best about the other person: This may mean that you give them the benefit of the doubt rather than thinking the worst. Try to think of their point of view too and it may calm you down.
  • Take a deep breath: Take a moment to breath deeply and clear your head. Just taking that deep breath can help you to reset and avoid the argument that was brewing.

If you keep these things in mind, the you can try to stay calm and avoid the argument altogether.

Roleplay To Help

In this roleplay, Lindsay and Michelle are talking about a dinner that they went to last night.

Lindsay: “So last night was fun.”

Michelle: “Yeah, but it was so awkward when Tim and Jenny got into that tiff.”

Lindsay: “Yeah, it was just a little spat though. No biggie.”

Michelle: “It did make it awkward. They were quarreling for a few minutes.”

Lindsay: “That was nothing compared to the brawl those high school kids got into outside.”

Michelle: “That was quite a scuffle. Glad it ended okay!”


Practice using these words to change up your vocabulary and be more specific.

Though you don’t want to get into arguments, you at least know how to talk about them.

This is a part of life that you may not like, but it’s inevitable.

You now have some great tips to avoid arguments, and you know how to talk about this uncomfortable but sometimes unavoidable part of life.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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