Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Have you heard people offer their opinion in conversation?

Do you hear people offer their opinion and a helpful transition in English?

Today we’re looking at some helpful ways to offer your opinion in conversation.

These are transitions or ways to insert your opinion, and we’ll take a look at them through a formula as well as some examples.

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A Little Background

Let’s start by understanding some background, particularly the type that will help you to understand how this works.

In a previous episode, we used a clip from Coffee and Conversations where Lindsay is talking about her opinion on people asking parents for permission to ask a partner to get engaged.

Check out that episode here for some helpful background.

How To Understand Not Just What But Why In Fast Conversations 

We wanted to expand on this today because there is so much to it and it is so important.

We were talking about listening for when people give their opinions and how they do it, and this matters greatly of course.

Today however, we are going to really practice the speaking part more.

It’s about what you say and how you say it, and both matter greatly.

So we’re going to look at the speaking part and use this as a great way to practice and to ensure that you know exactly how to deliver this message.

Reviewing The Formula

There is a formula that covers this sort of thing, and that’s what we want to take a look at.

We spoke about this general format that Lindsay used in the previous episode, and then we are going to dive into some examples that help to really point out the right way to use this.

Let’s start by looking at what the formula is, as that’s an important starting point.

What was the formula?


You can see how this works and start to visualize this formula at work in your conversations.

Before we get into the examples though, let’s look at some keywords that were mentioned in the previous episode.

The key words that you want to keep in mind and utilize include: I think, in my mind, because, so. 

  • I think: You are directly offering your thoughts or opinions, and that’s a common addition to conversation. “I think it’s important to check with someone if it’s ok to pet their dog.”
  • In my mind: This can be used in different places in a sentence and you want to see how it works in each instance. “In my mind, you should check with someone before you pet their dog.” Another way to use it would be “You should treat dogs with respect, and  that’s the important thing in my mind.” You may use it either way, though you may see it more commonly used as the latter example.
  • Because: This is offering some sort of justification, and it ultimately gives the reason why you are doing something. “Dogs deserve privacy just like people, because they real living beings and need to be respected.”
  • So: This works much in the same way as because but it’s more of a transition used in a sentence. “I have three dogs and they each have their own personalities, so I know that disposition can vary from dog to dog.”

Putting This Formula To Work

You can see the keywords and have a good review on what the formula is.

Understanding this is an important way to get to the heart of why you would offer your opinion, as well as how it could work in conversation.

Now let’s get into the formula!

Imagine we are talking about travel–think of this example as one where people are discussing the expense of travel and if it is worth it.

So you could say “I think it’s worth it, for sure.”

That works just fine, but you could also expand upon that opinion.

Let’s take a look at the various ways that you could expand upon this in your conversations.

  • Think: “I think it’s worth it for sure!”
  • Because: “I traveled a lot as a child with my family, and those are some of the most valuable experiences someone can have. I could spend all of my money on clothes or jewelry, but to me**, the photos and videos and memories of my trips are the best because they are so personal and I get to learn so much, so it’s really important to travel.”
  • In my mind: “It expands your mind, and that’s the important thing in my mind.”

Take a look through these examples so that you can start to see how this works and what each one offers to conversation.

Taking It A Step Further

Let’s take it a step further so that you can see exactly how this works and get a feel for this in conversations.

We will show you some of the key words but not all of them.

We’re just trying to show you two contrasting opinions and how that sort of explanation may work.

You can see how it works to give one simple statement, and then compare that to a longer more drawn out explanation.

  1. “I think travel is good, but I’m into smaller trips that don’t cost a lot of money.”
  2. “I’ve done some traveling. Once I spent 3,000 on a trip to Spain. Unfortunately, while I was there I lost 2,000 dollars. It was so expensive, and personally**, I’m the type of person who just wants some nice jewelry that I can use every day instead of just for a week or something. I really like beach trips and they can be right near where I live, like a staycation, so that works just fine. Those are the best trips I’ve had!”
  3. “So it’s not really worth it to me.”

So again, the main idea here is to state your opinion, go a little deeper, and tie it together at the end.

If you can remember the formula and these examples, then it will help you to really utilize this in the best way possible.

Try this out, and see for yourself how well it can work.

Write down this formula, and then practice sharing your opinion with a story.

Try it with a friend for some excellent real life examples, and you will be amazed at how you master it and want to use it all the time.


Listen to our other episode for more background and helpful information about this important topic.

This is about connecting opinions and stories to really express yourself.

We gave you a formula and key words to use, and these will prove to be quite helpful so that you can use them in conversation.

Try it out today and definitely use this to practice–this is something important that you will really come to use and appreciate.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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