Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Find out how to argue about this topic in English today.

Listen to the English phrases that we use in this argument to improve your vocabulary.

In the US, a lot of people spend a lot of time thinking about their careers and their choice of a profession.

Lindsay and her co-host have different opinions on this question.

Here is today’s question:

When you choose a career, should you choose the thing that you love or should you choose the thing that you are naturally talented in?

Lindsay’s co-host: You should choose the thing that you love, that you are naturally talented in.

She talked about Bill Brown the Chocolate Man.

She said that Bill Brown found his passion after many years in the corporate world by starting a chocolate shop.

She thinks that passion is super important when it comes to choosing a career.


Lindsay thinks: You should find out what your strengths are.

Take some kind of assessment to figure out what you are good at and choose a career where you can use as many of those strengths as possible.

Lindsay talked about the movie Rudy. Rudy decided to pursue his “passion” of football but he wasn’t very talented at football. It wasn’t one of his strengths.

Therefore, he had no chance to become an amazing football player one day, regardless of how much work he put into it.

Instead, it would have been smarter for Rudy to find something that he loved and that was also one of his strengths so that he could work on it and become exceptional.


Listen again tomorrow to learn some specific phrases that we used in this argument.


What do you think?

Do you follow your strengths or your passions?

Leave a comment below!

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