Today you’ll learn the 3 most important differences between Static and Change Over Time to increase your Writing Task 1 scores.
A question came up recently in our Facebook Live class about how these Task 1 questions differ.
This episode is excellent not only if you’re beginning your IELTS preparation, but it also serves as a solid review if you’ve been preparing for awhile.
Difference #1- Types of Numbers
In a Change Over Time question, you will usually see a line graph, with units of time at the bottom.
‘Time‘ could be years, minutes, days, or even ages.
A Static graph, in contrast, is often a table, with numbers that are only true for one time. For instance, in could be about comparing the amount of calories men and women ate in 2012 (one year).
Difference #2- Vocabulary
Change Over Time utilizes words to indicate movement, such as increasing and decreasing. You cannot use this vocabulary in a Static essay.
For Static essays, you want to employ interesting synonyms for high, low, big and small.
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Difference #3- Sentence Structure
In Change Over Time, you’re using structures with there is/are, and straightforward subject + verb + object sentences, including time phrases. In our course we go over the structures you need.
In Static, on the other hand, you need more comparative / superlative structures. Again, these are in our course. You need to use comparative phrases with linking words such as in contrast and on the contrary.
Most likely, you will get a number question on Academic Task 1.
I recommend focusing on Change Over Time first, because it is easier, and then learn about Static essays.
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