There is a good chance you’ll be asked to describe a person on IELTS Speaking Part 2.
Be ready with today’s high level, less common descriptions.
These describe 3 different personality types.
Most people can be considered at least in part to have these characteristics.
Practice today’s native vocabulary so you’re ready to describe a person on Speaking Part 2!
Character transformations
Aubrey and Jessica describe transformations they experienced in high school.
A lot of high level vocabulary can be found in their answers.
- painfully shy: extremely shy
- come into my own: to become the person we’re meant to be; becoming my best self
- jock: someone very athletic
Many people, especially at a young age, experience a transformation of their character and personality.
Today’s question
In a comment on one of our YouTube videos, a student asked us:
Would you please do a video describing both personality and physical appearance of someone as an answer to Part 2?
It can be difficult to describe a person for the entire 2 minutes you need to fill!
It’s absolutely vital that you have a lot of vocabulary to describe people.
Today’s vocabulary describes three different personality types that many people fit into to some degree.
Aubrey posted a YouTube video about this topic that had totally different vocabulary, so be sure to check it out!
And if you haven’t subscribed to IELTS Energy TV, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of our videos!
What might you be asked to describe in Speaking Part 2?
In Part 2 you’re asked to describe one of the following:
- Place
- Person
- Event or experience
- Object
You must practice describing these four functions.
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#1: Smart
General opinion about nerds has evolved a lot.
- nerd: a person who is smart and usually awkward
When we were young, nerds were made fun of.
It’s respected to be smart.
- brainiac: intellectually, academically smart
- dork: socially awkward and nerdy; not cool
- geek: synonym of dork
All of these are playful and silly, but not mean.
#2: Introverted
- homebody: someone who would rather stay home than go out
- introvert: a person who is shy and doesn’t like to be social
Both introverts and extroverts can be social.
Introverts are exhausted after social activities.
Extroverts are fed and energized by social events.
- wallflower: a person who is shy; a person who avoids group interaction
#3: Extroverted
These people love to be the center of attention.
They love to be in large groups of people.
- party animal: a person who loves going to parties
- life of the party: a person who is the source of energy in a group
There is a great idiom that is a huge compliment.
- to light up a room: to be a positive, uplifting presence
This is one of the nicest things you could say to someone!
It lets them know you love when they are around.
You may be asked to describe a person on Speaking Part 2.
You’ll need high level vocabulary about many different personality types!
This will help you be able to fill the full 2 minutes and score highly on Fluency and Coherence.
Most people can be described as either an introvert or an extrovert.
You can use today’s native phrases to describe them!
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What questions do you have from today’s episode?
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