You have a 50% chance of getting questions about your hometown on IELTS Speaking Part 1.
Today you’ll get sample answers to common speaking answers about your hometown.
The first question on IELTS Speaking Part 1 is always about:
- Your hometown or your current city OR
- Your work or studies
Here are some typical questions for Speaking Part 1 about your hometown:
- Where did you grow up?
- How long did you live there?
- Why did you like your hometown?
- Why did you not like your hometown?
- Does your family still live there?
- Where are you living now?
- How is your current city different from where you grew up?
- Why did you move to your current city?
- What are the main industries in your city?
Remember, in today’s role play the person asking the question responded a bit but on the actual test the examiner will not respond with a comment.
Tell us about your hometown?
How would you answer some of these questions? Use the same level of detail, intonation, and interesting vocabulary.