Do you have an IELTS vocabulary notebook for the Writing and Speaking tests?
If you don’t then you should and we’ll show you how to use it today.
To get a high vocabulary score you need:
- Idiomatic phrases
- Casual phrases
- Native phrases
- Academic phrases and words
You must improve your vocabulary for every part of the IELTS test.
You can do that with a vocabulary notebook. Get a simple notebook and follow the tips in this episode.
Where does the vocabulary come from?
- The newspaper: Read it once per week, get the Sunday edition, there are at least 20 different article topics. Make yourself read an article that you wouldn’t normally read. We recommend the New York Times. You will find common IELTS topics in a newspaper like New York Times. This will get you the academic vocabulary that you need for writing.
- Watch your favorite TV sitcom: You can watch Friends and have your vocabulary notebook on your lap. TV shows like Friends would be a great way to get idiomatic speaking vocabulary. Write down no more than 2 words per episode.
- Conversations: You can eavesdrop on other people’s conversations in cafes or on the train. Take out your notebook and write down 1 or 2 words that you hear during a conversation.
- Podcasts: Don’t just focus on ESL podcasts. Choose a topic that you like and search for it in the itunes store. Listen to different types of vocabulary and listen to different ways of speaking.
- Follow your interests: Google search your interests. Write down no more than two words that you read. Do this for 20 minutes and then move on to a new activity.
What do you write in your notebook?
Write the word and part of speech.
Write down the definition in your own words in English if you are intermediate or above.
Write two example sentences.
Get one sample sentence from Google.
Get the other sample sentence by creating it yourself. You need to come up with that second sentence to make the word stick in your head.
Then use the word in speaking and writing throughout the day or week.
Remember, when it comes to IELTS vocabulary, less is more!
Learn fewer words but learn them very well and be ready to use them with confidence.
Do you have your IELTS vocabulary notebook yet?
Let us know in the comments below.