It can be incredibly difficult to stay motivated while studying for IELTS!
This is especially true for those who have taken the exam multiple times without getting the scores they need!
How can you stay motivated?
Today Jessica provides 3 tips that will help you keep your motivation up!
Listen to the video and apply this advice.
This way you can stay engaged with your IELTS study!
Today’s question
Today’s question comes from IELTS Energy YouTube subscriber Jeffrey.
Please do a video on how to stay motivated when studying.
IELTS is really super duper depressing for those who have taken the test several times.
Undoubtedly, this is a question that we get often for students.
This is not surprising because staying motivated is vital when studying for IELTS!
Watch the video now!
Tip #1: Make sure you trust your resources
If you’re spending hours looking for resources, you are wasting time!
What you’re finding will often contradict other things you find.
Make sure whatever course or websites you’re using are made by IELTS examiners.
You can’t risk lowering your score because you’re learning the wrong thing.
Tip #2: Include fun resources
If you’re not enjoying what you’re studying, you won’t learn as much!
If you don’t enjoy it, it won’t stick in your brain.
Look for a balance.
- Watch movies you like
- Read books you like
- Listen to podcasts you like
Seek out teachers that you like.
Your teachers should keep you motivated!
They should be positive and upbeat!
Strategies Created By a Former Examiner
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Tip #3: Make a schedule and stick to it
You need deadlines!
You need a study plan with specific activities to do on certain days.
You must organize your time.
If you don’t, you can waste many hours.
Also, you might not start studying in the first place!
You can easily get demotivated and stop studying if you don’t follow a schedule.
There are some specific things you can do to stay motivated when studying for IELTS!
Follow the advice Jessica shares in this video!
These tips will help you enjoy your study and stay motivated.
Definitely make sure you are not wasting your time with the millions of online resources.
Many of these provide incorrect, contradicting information.
For strategies and insider Examiner information you can trust, sign up for 3 Keys IELTS!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Please leave a comment below.