What is the toughest IELTS Writing Task 2 question?
It’s a question that combines opinion, argument, and problem solution questions.
How can you tackle it so that you get the score you need?
Today find out how to deal with this question to get the highest possible score on IELTS Writing Task 2.
Normally the way we approach Task 2 is by looking at the different types of essay that you might have to write.
The three types are:
- Argument Essay
- Problem/Solution Essay
- Opinion Essay
But the problem is that sometimes IELTS gives you a combo question.
What should you do if you get that type of question?
Don’t think about writing a specific type of essay for this type of question.
Answer the question directly instead.
For example, here is a typical question:
“Some people feel that we are wasting our money in the Space Race. We need to spend money on earth. Do you agree or disagree with this?”
This question does not present two opinions so it’s less clear.
So in this case, since there are two parts to the question you can talk about sentence 1 in paragraph 2 and sentence 2 in the next paragraph.
First, talk about the fact that yes, we are wasting money on the Space Race.
The second part of the question is: “We should be spending money here on earth.”
So address that part in the next paragraph.
If you see a question with two parts then don’t waste your time thinking about what kind of essay to write.
Instead just directly answer those questions in the two body paragraphs.
You can use this strategy on every single question for Writing Task 2.
You still need to practice the 3 different types of essay structures before you can start moving things around like we’re showing you in this strategy.
You need to know the strategies and rules before you can break them.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.