Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"

Today we look at Asako’s story:

“I don’t know why my score stays exactly the same as before and I am at a loss how to overcome it. That’s maybe because I have been studying by myself for a year and I do not have the confidence for the strategy that I got from websites. Yes, I am struggling with the score that I got last March.”

Asako’s score= overall 6


We see this kind of case all of the time.

Asako has done well in Listening (6.5) and Reading (6.5) but for Writing she got a 5.5 and Speaking was 6.

The worst part is that Asako is probably much closer to her target score than she thinks she is.

Many of the students in our course who sit down for a private session with Jessica can increase their score by a full band point after learning our strategies.

What can Asako do?

3 Simple Steps:

  • Step 1: Close your practice test books. We know you want to do a lot of IELTS practice tests but they don’t improve your score. If you haven’t done any preparation by learning strategies then there is nothing to measure with the practice test. You learn the strategies and use a study plan then you take the practice tests.
  • Step 2: Improve your overall skills: Work on your general fluency. Journal every day to improve your writing. Find outside resources. Watch movies and read the newspaper. Practice your speaking with a native speaking partner.
  • Step 3: Re-focus on the test: You need to choose one system and one path and commit yourself to that and use a daily learning plan. Allow yourself at least 30 days and preferably 60 days.


Are you in a situation like Asako?

Let us know your questions in the comments.

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