Today we’ll show you how to BECOME a native speaker for that native speaker 9!
Today find out how you can step into a native speaker character and pretend to a be a native speaker to get more confidence on the IELTS Speaking test.
What can it do for you when you create a new character for yourself when you speak a new language?
You can become empowered, less self-conscious, and step out of your old way of thinking and being to become a new person.
This is a powerful learning methodology called “Suggestopedia” that is used by great English teachers all over the world.
This is also a great strategy if you have hit a wall and you can’t get above a 6 in IELTS Speaking.
If this is you then you need a new way to attack the Speaking test and this would be a good way to do it.
How to create your character:
- Pick your own name: Make it a native speaker’s name. Make it something you like and you want to identify with.
- Choose the city that you want to live in: Choose a city that fits with your own personality. New York is for high-powered business professionals or artists. If you want to have a more laid-back life, you can be from Portland.
- Choose the character you want: Do you want to be relaxed and cool or high-strung and achievement oriented?
- Choose a dream job for the character: It could be something you will never have or it could be your target job for the future.
- Consume media that your character would consume: Find authentic newspapers from your character’s city and read a lot of them as part of your preparation.
Jessica would be a journalist from Madrid because she wants to write in her career.
Why should you do this?
It gives you confidence which improves your fluency and raises your pronunciation score.
Also when you’re in the test and your mind goes blank you can go to this personality and think about how they might answer it.
This will help you come up with stories and will help you avoid silence.
Make a character board!
Make this real.
Create a board and cut out materials and photos that describe this special character.
What is your character?
Describe him or her in the comments below.
We want to see your examples!