Today you’ll learn phrases instead of saying ‘Yes, I do’ on IELTS Speaking.
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Congratulations to 3 Keys student Camila, who increased her Listening and Speaking scores to 8’s!
Thank you to subscriber hannahchandi for asking about paraphrases for the phrase, ‘Yes, I do’.
After watching today’s lesson, click here to learn more vocabulary to express certainty in IELTS Energy podcast episode 649.
As saying ‘Yes, I do’ is a very student-y, band score 6 way to answer in Speaking Part 1, you need more natural vocabulary!
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For instance, if the examiner says, ‘Do you like to cook?’
You could answer, ‘For sure, yeah, I love it,’ or, ‘Oh, 100% yes!’.
On the other hand, you can just omit that phrase altogether, and say, ‘Cooking is my passion/my life’s blood. Actually, without fail, cooking is a daily task that always chills me out/brings me back to myself.’
Comment below and show me how you would use today’s phrases!
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