These phrases will help you stand out for a higher vocabulary score, as they are native and natural, and other students will not be using them.
What is more, they will also help you score highly for fluency and coherence, as there are transition phrases here, too!
8+ Phrases about the Past
Looking back, …
You can use this to introduce an opinion about your past experience.
Looking back, my childhood was pretty sheltered.
In my day, …
You can use this to introduce details and description about your past.
In my day, there were no smart phones or computers. Kids just ran around the neighborhood, making up games.
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I may not look it, but I’m actually in my 30’s.
You should say this if you look younger than you are.
I didn’t grow up with all this technology. I may not look it, but I’m actually in my late 30’s.
They say, ‘Time heals all wounds’, but…
You can use this phrase if you are talking about a difficult experience you had, which still is difficult for you to deal with.
My high school sweetheart, whom I dated for 6 years, broke up with me a couple years ago. They say ‘time heals all wounds’, but, honestly, this one is still hard for me to get over.
That’s a thing of the past.
This phrase describes a behavior or trend that doesn’t happen anymore.
In my day, friends would just stop by your house to say hi. That’s a thing of the past, sadly. Now it’s all texting, and no one would think of just knocking on your door and dropping by unannounced.
How would you use these phrases?
Share your examples in the comments section below!