Of course you do!
We all want friends!
Today you’ll learn how to make friends using 3 English phrases.
Here are the key phrases:
- “To get a hand”: To get help from someone. Asking for help is a good way to meet people and make friends. People like to help! Here are some examples: “Can I get a hand with my suitcase?” or you could offer your help by saying this: “Would you like a hand with your suitcase?”
- “Would you be interested in”: This means “Do you want to do something.” Here are some examples: “Would you be interested in getting a coffee with me? or “Would you be interested in going to the park with me this weekend?”
- “What do you think?”: This is a way to ask someone for their opinion. People always feel appreciated when you ask for their opinion so try this phrase.
Check your understanding of today’s episode.
Learn the sounds of American English and new vocabulary words.
Check your understanding!
Take this quiz and leave your answer in the comments!
Here is the question:
Why do we use “would” when we ask “Would you be interested in going to the movies with me?”
A- It shows respect and it’s less direct
B- It is a softener
C- It is casual
D- It shows respect, it’s less direct and it’s a softener
E- It is casual and it’s a softener
Want to check your answer?
Write your answer in the comments section below and we’ll tell you if you got it right!