Would you like to know how to introduce yourself in English a modern and natural way?
Do you struggle to get conversations going and to keep them going?
Does this sometimes keep you from talking to people, especially natives?
We’re going to help you through how to introduce yourself, what the right things to say are, and how to make the most out of this real life scenario.
This Is About Real Life Situations
When you talk about how to introduce yourself in a textbook, it’s a bit awkward.
It’s not like the typical real life scenario, but rather something that talks about the basics in the textbook itself.
We want to talk about real life experiences that you can relate to and use in everyday connections.
This is why you need to take your cues from more than just a textbook.
You want this to be about navigating comfortably through real life situations.
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Your First Step Can Be Very Important
First step is to say “hi”, “hey”, or “hello” though that’s a bit more formal.
Go with what sounds natural and feels right to get the conversation going.
Saying “hey” puts both of you at ease and helps you to introduce yourself, and it helps you to sound more like a native versus an English learner.
You want to feel connected to this person and to let the introduction happen naturally.
If you’re uncomfortable or unsure, your body language is rigid and shows that you are not comfortable in this situation.
Let yourself relax and the interaction will be much easier–it will put you at ease and then make you more approachable.
When In Doubt Observe What Natives Are Doing
You may not know when to shake hands or if that’s appropriate.
Observe people around you to see what they are doing and then emulate that.
If others are shaking hands around you, then that’s fine.
If others aren’t or you don’t want to initiate the handshake because you’re unsure, then let the native person lead on this.
The same applies to hugging friends–let the native take the lead if you’re not sure.
You Want Both Of You To Feel Comfortable From The Start
You can start by saying “hey, my name is….” for an initial greeting to make things comfortable and kick things off.
The third step is where the conversation is going to take place.
Where do you go from here?
It can be helpful to comment on a shared situation–it may be the setting like the venue you are at for an event you are both at.
You could talk about the food being served or something that you may have in common.
The weather can be common, but it can also be a dead end.
Find something that you have in common and then use this to get the conversation flowing.
There Are Things To Stay Away From
The “don’ts” that they talk about in a textbook can make things awkward and unnatural.
Start slow, keep it simple, open it up to the conversation–this is not what the textbook will tell you.
Something not to do that a textbook might tell you is to tell this person everythingn about yourself.
Try to go for spontaneity rather than putting everything out there and overwhelming the other person.
You never have to spell out your name in a conversation–just stay away from making a big deal about your name.
Cut out the bad habits and focus on better ways of doing things, for this will make a big difference in your conversations.
Starting a conversation can be a tough part of making connections, but it’s a very important skill.
Go well beyond what you have learned in the textbooks because those lessons make for awkward interactions.
Try instead to keep it light and focus on things that will get the conversation going.
If you feel unsure, observe what natives are doing and then try to use that to get things going.
Remember it’s about making connections, and that’s what mastering this skill will help you to be better at. Now go and practice what you just learned! Good luck and enjoy!
If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.