Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Do you want somebody that you know to keep you informed with something?

Are you ever unsure of the right words to say in this situation in English?

Do you wish that you could get somebody to update you and you want to convey this just right?

We’re going to help you with the perfect way to say this, and how you can work this into conversation.

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Use This Unique Opportunity

When you want to let someone know that they should keep you informed about something, it’s a huge opportunity for connection.

You might not see it that way but you can use this as your sort of introduction or to show you concern.

The possible ways to connect in this way include:

  • If a family member has a job interview and you want to see how it went
  • If you want to hear about a decision someone is thinking about making that you know is big and has a dramatic impact on their life
  • If you want to hear how someone’s first day at work or school goes

All of these are great examples of how you can show your concern, and that they are in your thoughts.

Using The Right Phrases To Show How You Feel

You want to show your concern, and that may seem difficult to do at times.

What phrases can you use to show someone their event or decision is important to you?

This makes the person feel important and will keep the connection going.

These phrases can also be used in business.

What’s interesting is these phrases all involve the verbs keep or let.

  • Keep me posted: You’re asking for somebody to let you know how something goes. You want them to keep you updated with progress, and it’s a common phrase for that.
  • Let me know what happens: You know that something big is coming up for them and you want to hear about it. You want to know the way that things transpire, and you’re showing that you care.
  • Keep me updated: You’re asking for updates on their situation. It’s the ultimate way to show that you want to hear how it’s all going for them. It’s an easy but effective way to get them to tell you about their situation.
  • Keep me in the loop: It may sound like an unusual phrase, but it’s actually quite common. It means that you want them to keep you updated on what is going on with their situation.
  • Let me know how it goes: You literally want them to tell you what happens and how everything goes. It’s pretty straightforward and can be used in any situation with anybody.

It’s All About Showing Interest

You now have the best phrases to use in these situations.

All of these phrases are quite common and important, and they work well to accomplish what you want them to.

It’s important to show the proper amount of interest in others’ lives, and these can al help.

These phrases are great and remember it’s all about the tone that we use to deliver the right message.


Use these phrases to keep a conversation going past the initial one.

If someone is telling you about something going on with their life, it’s nice to show your interest and say the person should keep in touch.

That’s not to say you should be nosy, but it’s good to show a healthy amount of interest.

You will find this fine balance and when you do, it feels great to know how to make this conversation and connection work.I

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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