Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

You work hard to accomplish that goal every day.

But what is the final thing that is holding you back? Why haven’t you reached your goal yet?

Is it fear of failure? Maybe not.

We think it’s fear of success!

Do you struggle with fear of success? It’s good to talk about your fears!

We’ll help you with this in today’s episode.


A lot of you guys have said you want to sound like a native speaker.

But what happens when you start to sound that way?

You might start to feel like you are losing your identity!

Your actions, your gestures, your way of life might change when you become fluent in English.


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How do you know if you are afraid of success?

  • You procrastinate with English learning: You might have an opportunity to join a language club, to go abroad, or to work with a great teacher but you put it off. You sabotage your success because maybe you feel that you don’t deserve that opportunity. You don’t set up a proper study plan for your IELTS or TOEFL exam.


  • You enroll in classes and then you quit: You don’t follow one English course from step A to Z. Instead you skip around. You work with different teachers, take different courses, but you never go very deep into any of them. You are always second- guessing the course or the teacher. You know that if you followed one course from the beginning to the end, you might have a better chance of success and that’s scary.


How can you get past this?

  • You can have two identities if you speak two languages. Enjoy the different identities. Play with this concept for a while and see if it works for you.
  • Make yourself accountable: Create a system where people will check in with you to see if you are progressing toward your English goal. Don’t keep your goals private. Make them public if you want a better chance of reaching them.


Source: Thanks to Internet Business Mastery Podcast for the inspiration for this episode.


Are you afraid of success? How do you know?

How do you plan to overcome it?

Let us know in the comments below.

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