Are you a person who really cares what others think?
Are you the type of person who can easily get over what people think of you?
This is a common topic of conversation because it’s all about if you care about others people’s perceptions of you or if you can ignore that.
You will learn how to talk about this, whether you truly care about this or not.
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Do You Care Or Let It Go?
Are you somebody who cares or who lets it go?
Is it that important to you what people think of you?
We wanted to dive into this today because it’s an important topic. Is it best to not care what anyone thinks about you?
Should you want everyone to like you?
Sure to a certain extent, many of us care what others think of them—we all want to be liked to a certain degree.
It can be admirable when you talk to people who are just true to themselves, above and beyond anything else.
It’s a fine balance because you may be outgoing and friendly, but deep down feel self conscious at times, and that’s often the case.
There may be times where it changes, as sometimes you may care more what people think of you.
This is of course an interesting topic because it affects all of us, and it’s definitely something to think about.
It’s something to talk about too because people may have strong feelings, particularly based on their personality and situations.
There are times and situations where you may care a lot, and others where you can or should let it go a bit.
When It Shouldn’t Matter What Other People Think
If you really think about it, there are times when you just shouldn’t care what others think of you.
This may be because you are in a situation where you really want to be yourself.
It may be that you are with people that you are close to, and therefore you can let your guard down a bit.
At the end of the day, people should want to get to know the real you!
Here are the times or instances where you can let it go a bit as to what people may think of you, where you really don’t have to care too much.
- Trying to make friends: If you are trying to make new friends then you want to be yourself. Though you want to put a good impression out there, you also don’t want to pretend to be something that you’re not. Therefore this is a time when you don’t need to worry too much about what others think—the right people will like you for who you are!
- Less formal settings: This is where you really feel comfortable letting your guard down. Where you can truly be yourself and relax a bit. You don’t have to be somebody that you’re not, and you don’t need to worry too much. You feel comfortable and this means you can relax and not care as much what others think of you. This is often when you are with the very people you feel comfortable with in the first place.
- Dating: Though you do want to make a good impression, you also don’t want to pretend to be something that you’re not. You also don’t want to date somebody who thinks that you are somebody that you aren’t. If you don’t care too much what others think then it will help you to ultimately attract the right type of person.
These are the times when you don’t have to worry too much about what others may think.
When you can relax and feel comfortable in being who you are, then it all comes together and falls in place.
When It Might Matter What Other People Think
On the other end of the spectrum, there are times when it may be far more important as to what people think of you.
This is when you need to make a good impression, and ensure that people like who you are.
Your reputation, the way in which you present yourself, and what people think of you or take out of that situation matters greatly.
Here are the instances where it may matter significantly what others think of you, because this matters in the situation.
- Job interviews: You are trying to win over the people you are interviewing with. Therefore you want to make a good first impression and ensure that you come across as likeable. You have to show them that you are the person that they need for the job, and so you want to be certain that people like you here.
- School: You are trying to do well and get good grades. You are also therefore working hard to create a good relationship with your fellow students and your teacher. This is a time where you do want to care what others think of you, for it can take you on the road to success.
- Formal situations: When you are in a formal setting there is a certain presence to have. You want to put your best foot forward as the phrase goes, or basically you want to make a good impression. If you are in a professional setting or even a formal personal setting, you want to be mindful of how you come across to others.
- In business: You want people to respect you and want to do business with you. This means that reputation is everything! You want to care so that people can effectively build relationships with people. You do want to be professional, but you also don’t want to hold back or pretend to be something that you’re not.
These are all times where you want to be mindful and aware of what people think of you, because it makes a big difference to the outcome.
Challenge For Our Listeners
So we have a very interesting challenge for you, and for all of our listeners.
Experiment for just one day NOT caring what anyone thinks when it comes to your English.
Look at this as an experiment, and then see how you feel when you act in this way.
Really put yourself out there and don’t think twice about how you come across.
Give it a genuine effort and then see how you feel at the end of it.
How did it go?
Were you more or less nervous than you thought you’d be?
Did you do better than you thought?
How did others react to you?
This can be a very eye opening experience and really help to shed some light on how you feel about other people’s perceptions of you.
Words To Use In This Area
There are some words that you can expect to use when you have a conversation such as this.
These words and phrases can help you to talk about the way in which you represent yourself, and about how people perceive you.
- Let your guard down: This means that you are totally yourself and you don’t have any guard up. You put yourself out there for the person that you are, because you aren’t too worried about what others think. You are truly and genuinely yourself!
- Outspoken: This means that you say what you think and feel. You don’t have a filter and you are known to be somebody who speaks up for what you feel. This can be a good or a bad thing, but it’s really all about saying what you have to say and letting things fall where they may.
- Uninhibited: This is similar to outspoken as it’s all about putting yourself out there. You aren’t worried at all about people’s perception of you. This is who you are, and you share it with the world around you. This is all about being true to who you are and not worrying about what the world has to say.
- Chameleon: Though the literal meaning is an animal, this has a different meaning here. In this context it means that you mask yourself as somebody that you are not. You may not necessarily show others that you are outspoken at first. You may hide behind a certain persona, and then let it come out at certain times.
So let your guard down when you speak English!
Don’t be afraid to be outspoken, and if you are uninhibited, people will be drawn to you!
What people think of you may be important to you, or it may not be a big deal at all.
Let’s all practice not caring, whether it is or isn’t natural to us.
See how this changes things, and how it can even impact the way that you feel in a given situation.
Look at it is an experiment, as it can be an interesting one that may change your entire way of thinking.
This may change the way you think or how you conduct yourself, but it’s definitely a common topic of conversation—and now you know how to talk about it.
If you have any questions, please leave them below.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.