Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
Aubrey Carter
"3 Keys IELTS Certified Coach"

Are you studying to take an exam like IELTS this year?

Whatever you’re studying for, you need a study plan!

Anyone who has had success in life knows they need to plan for their success.

Find out how to do it for any goal today.

Study habits

Aubrey asks Lindsay if she had good study habits when she was in school.

Lindsay always used her notebook to write everything down.

She had good grades and was very systematic with her studying.

Aubrey was a little bit chaotic.

She admits it would’ve helped to be more focused and systematic as well.

It’s easy to get anxious when studying if you don’t have a schedule or structure for what you need to do.

It will be less stressful if you’re more organized.

Today’s question

Today’s topic is inspired by a listener question.

She asks about preparing for a test.

How can I prepare for an oral exam in English at an intermediate English level?

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Preparing for a test

Whether you’re studying for IELTS, another exam, or learning a language, we all need good study habits.

The first step is to know what type of test you are doing.

This will be your starting point on how to structure your study plan.

It is also vital when choosing a teacher or online course.

Be sure to choose someone who specializes in that particular exam.

Today we share some tips to ensure you ace your next exam.

#1: Have a study plan

Plan specific activities and how much time you’ll spend.

Make it systematic so that you feel in control.

Start with listing the topics you want to study.

This will help you know where to get started.

You can create a chart and print it out.

Aubrey recommends that 30 minutes to an hour a day.

Be sure to space out your studying time so you can avoid burnout from doing too much at once.

Pace yourself so you can keep going.

It’s good to take breaks so incorporate that into your study plan.

#2: Minimize distractions

Aubrey shares an article from Coursera called “11 Good Study Habits to Develop.”

They share a few tips from this article that can help you minimize distractions.

First, turn off your wifi.

This will help you avoid distractions and notifications.

Second, don’t let your phone distract you.

Turn off notifications, give it to a friend to hold or put it in your bag.

In episode IELTS Energy 1279: 3 Skills to Stay Focused on Reading and Listening, there were other ideas for not getting distracted during an exam.

You can check that episode out how you can focus during the IELTS exam.

#3: Study with friends

Studying with others can help keep you accountable and focused.

It can feel lonely studying alone.

You don’t have to be studying the same material.

Find someone you can trust to keep you on track with your goals.


We can waste so much time if we don’t have good study habits.

Whatever you’re studying for, today’s tips will help you stay focused.

It’s vital that you avoid distraction in today’s busy modern world.

This is the way to get focused and get something done.

If you’re organized there are so many things you can accomplish.

What are your study tips?

Share them in the comments below.

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