Are you planning to take IELTS in the future?
In today’s episode, Lindsay and Aubrey share five things you need to know to get started so you will already be ahead of 90% of all test takers.
Listen in today and get valuable tips to succeed on IELTS.
The IELTS Exam
Lindsay asks Aubrey what she knows about the IELTS test that she can share with the All Ears English audience.
Aubrey shares something one of her students shared recently.
She was told they didn’t know they should use English slang during the IELTS Speaking Exam.
It is a common misconception that you should only use formal and business English during IELTS.
Lindsay finds that interesting and she could see why many may have the impression that you have to use traditional formal vocabulary because it’s a standardized test.
What the examiner will be looking for is a variety of English vocabulary and not just impressive academic words and phrases.
They are looking for you to show that you can communicate and comprehend like a native English speaker.
Lindsay shares that Aubrey and Jessica have a podcast dedicated to IELTS.
All you have to do is search for IELTS Energy Podcast and you can now access hundreds of resources that can help you improve your English.
Studying for IELTS
Today’s episode has been inspired by an All Ears English listener that has sent a question.
I have been listening to your podcast since March. Now it becomes my morning ritual to reconnect to my study life in the States a long time ago. I am a teacher and a counsellor based in Taiwan now. Many students ask me about IELTS, however, I did my IELTS a long time ago so my knowledge is kind of outdated. I’m wondering if you can do an episode about IELTS and how to prepare yourself to be immersed in the study for non-native speakers. It will be a great opportunity for me and many others to learn.
There are strategies in studying for IELTS that can really help you score higher on the test.
Lindsay also mentions that not everyone who takes IELTS needs a visa.
Some would take the test to know where they are in their English skills.
Here are some tips from Lindsay and Aubrey to help you study and prepare for the IELTS exam:
- It’s important to understand the scoring system. You can look it up online and read the rubric which is different for speaking and writing. You have to be aware of what the examiner is listening to and looking for. You don’t need to focus too much on grammar and vocabulary. Fluency and coherence are also important. It is better to have a strategy where you put in the effort in the area that will help you get a higher score. Focusing on grammar and vocabulary requires more work compared to improving fluency and coherence.
- It is important to have a study plan. Organizing your strategy and getting a hold of valuable resources can help you make a good study plan. If you don’t do this, you will be wasting your time and effort. It is also vital to have the right information included in your plan. Lindsay and Aubrey recommend that a person should have a minimum of 30 to 60 days to prepare for the IELTS exam.
- For the speaking exam, practicing in front of the mirror or out loud can improve your English speaking skills. You need to show confidence for the speaking exam. Practice makes perfect. If you have a chance, it’s also good to have a speaking partner and exchange conversations. You can also help each other by giving feedback and making improvements accordingly. Check if you’re using the variety the examiners are looking for. You should be using native English idioms, phrasal verbs, and expressions.
- When it comes to writing essays, you can utilize template sentences. Template sentences give you a structure of sentences with high-level vocabulary and linking phrases. You can use this to plug in your ideas depending on the essay topic. This saves you time from thinking about how to start your sentences by simply following a template. Lindsay asks Aubrey what is the difference between memorizing for an essay versus using a template. Aubrey mentions that if you memorize without understanding it will not be helpful for you. You have to be smart and strategize what you need to do. If you understand the template, it’s easier for you to incorporate your ideas. Avoid the score-killers. Lindsay and Aubrey have dealt with many students that make mistakes that bring their scores down for the IELTS Exam. The most common mistake Aubrey sees is that tone is often disregarded. Not using the right tone, for example, in your essays or speaking exam, changes the idea you want to convey.
If you have a feeling that you need to study for the IELTS exam, that’s alright.
You are not alone.
You need to have a strategy in place to ensure you get the score you want.
Tips mentioned in today’s episode will help you get on the right track to getting a score higher than seven.
It will also be helpful to follow the IELTS Energy Podcast and access more resources to fully immerse you in preparing for IELTS.
What tips will you start with today?
Let us know in the comments down below.