Today you’ll hear our personal examples and find out what this means for your English learning.
If something is not amazing in your life then you should let it go and wait for something better to come along.
This can be hard.
It can be scary to sit in the open space after you let something go.
Here is today’s quote:
“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”
-Jim Rohn
Lindsay’s example:
She had been working with someone and getting some coaching and she had hit a wall with this person.
She realized that it was time to move on.
Now that she has moved on, she feels that there is a lot of open space in her life for the next great thing to come along.
What does this mean for you?
Maybe it’s time to move on to a new teacher, new materials, or a new class.
It’s ok to let go even if you don’t have anything to move on to.
Sit in the empty space and be ok with that.
Next, here are 4 mistakes you are making with your emails in English.
Tell us your story!
Do you have something that you need to let go of that is “good” for something that is “great”?
Do you agree with us in this podcast episode?
We want to talk with you in the comments!