Do you approach your English like a doctor would?
Today we share five tips to keep your English healthy by thinking like a doctor!
A good doctor has many qualities. Here are five that can be applied to learning English:
- Triage: Doctors have to prioritize problems, or triage. Similarly with English, you have to figure out what your biggest challenges and problems are, and focus on them first.
- Diagnose: Once you have your problem, you have to examine it closely. If your problem is speaking, is the main cause pronunciation, confidence, vocabulary, or opportunities to speak with others?
- Regular Checkups: Check up on your English improvement every few months to see if you are progressing. Create an action plan to overcome problems and improve even more. Reflect on where you are and your goals.
- Think on Your Feet: Be spontaneous, make decisions with a clear head under pressure. When speaking, you must be able to respond to others thoughtfully – not memorized.
- Find Appropriate Treatment: If you are unable to correct your own mistakes, look for help. Sometimes you can self-correct, but other times you need a referral.
Next, find out why you should learn English the way a chef prepares a meal.
Do you use any of these in your English learning?
Tell us about it in the comments section below!