Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

In an English conversation, when you ask someone if they know a TV show or movie and they answer no, don’t just end the conversation.

In today’s episode, Lindsay and Michelle discuss how you can share what a movie or TV show is about.

Listen in and learn ways to keep the conversation going in English.

Let The Conversation Flow

Michelle says that we can take responsibility in English conversations.

Lindsay agrees and adds that you can take the reins in a conversation and keep it going.

Both Lindsay and Michelle will be giving you tips on how to do that in this episode.

There will also be several roleplays that will put into practice what they mean in continuing the conversation.

This episode is actually a follow-up of a follow-up episode the team did recently.

They did an episode on how to ask if someone is familiar with something which was AEE 1688: How to Find Common Ground and Connection in English.

In this episode the team talks about how you can respond if someone asks if you know a certain movie or TV star and you don’t.

Then they did a follow-up episode on continuing the conversation if someone is NOT familiar with someone which was AEE 1697: Don’t Trap the Energy in the English Conversation. In this episode they shared how not to end a connection by just saying no when you are familiar with a certain topic.

Today, Lindsay and Michelle will give you a high-level strategy to let the conversation flow.

What Can You Do To Keep the Conversation Going?

The other day, the All Ears English team was talking about TV shows and movies.

Not everyone knew what movie or show the other person was sharing and that’s alright.

When you like something, you will get excited to talk about it.

When the people you are talking to aren’t familiar with what you’re mentioning, you can fill them in on what it is.

The conversation doesn’t have to end there.

Lindsay asks, whose responsibility is it to keep talking?

Michelle says it doesn’t really matter whose responsibility it is.

The technique they’ll be sharing today will help you be more confident in taking control of the conversation on each side, whether you know something or you don’t.


Lindsay talks about different phrases you can say to continue the conversation and let the person you’re talking to relate to the discussion.

The first phrase is “Well, it’s about….”

This is a very common way to describe the content of something.

Lindsay: Are you familiar with the show You?

Michelle: No!

Lindsay: Well, it’s about this guy….

In this conversation, Lindsay would’ve kept going and shared what the show You was about.

She didn’t get discouraged by Michelle saying no.

Continuing the conversation in this way also invites your friend to ask questions and keep talking.

The second phrase is “Oh well I think you’d really be interested in this/like this/find this funny because…”

Michelle: Have you heard of the comedian Martin Short?

Lindsay: Hmm, no.

Michelle: Oh! Well I think you’d find him funny because you’re really into comedy.

Lindsay: Oh yeah?

Michelle: Yeah! He’s in the Father of the Bride movies!

Lindsay: Oh yeahhhh.

Lindsay likes this because if you are bringing up a topic that is a specific interest of the person you are talking to, this is a good way to show that you remember their interests and you want to learn more about them.

Michelle says that this can also be used in a general way.

The majority of people usually love to hear about something funny, so if you share a TV series that is a comedy, it will also stir their interest.

The third phrase is “Oh, well let me tell you!”

Lindsay says that she could hear Michelle say this phrase.

This phrase shows a lot of excitement and personality.

Lindsay: Does the name Jenny Smith ring a bell?

Michelle: I don’t think so!

Lindsay: Oh well let me tell you! She is the nicest person I know. You have to meet her. Anyway, remember my friend Bill?

Michelle: Yes. Lindsay: He’s dating her now!

Michelle: Oh nice! Maybe we can all get together.

Lastly, there is another strategy that you can use if you don’t like the previous examples.

What you can do is give a hint.

You can use the phrase “Remember? X’s the one that/who/with/…”

Michelle: Have you heard of the movie Supersize Me?

Lindsay: No! Michelle: Remember? I think you know it. It’s the one that’s the documentary about fast food.

Lindsay: Oh yes yes yes!

Another bonus expression is “Jog your memory.”

Lindsay shares this is a common slang used in the native English language.

This means to get your memory going and kickstart it.


This is part three of a three-part series.

Once you finish listening to today’s episode, go ahead and check out episodes AEE 1688 and 1697 to master the skill of continuing the discussion or conversation.

If someone says they don’t know what you are mentioning, don’t just say no and stop.

Keep the conversation going and foster that connection.

When talking and sharing ideas, most of the time it’s not really about the topic but it’s more about building that human connection.

Use the phrases shared today and gear your discussions to learn more about each other and practice your English at the same time.

What phrases do you think you’ll use in your conversation today?

Let us know in the comments down below.

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