On today’s Deep Thoughts Thursday, learn the secret to success, and how you can apply it to learning English!
Mark Twain is one of the great heroes of American literature, a man who is famous for combining humor and wisdom. One of his more popular statements was, “To succeed in life, you need two things: Ignorance and Confidence.”
By ignorance, Twain doesn’t mean stupidity. He means something closer to innocence. Children think they can succeed because they don’t know how difficult achieving success will be. They don’t think about it, and so they don’t become paralyzed with fear.
Don’t let your self-consciousness paralyze you. Change your perspective and stop worrying about the reasons behind the rules, or about how much you still have to learn. Be confident, and seek connection, not perfection!
What do you think of Twain’s quote?
Does it make sense to you?
Share your thoughts in the comments section below!