Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Do you drink soda?

Do you know how to ask for a soda in a restaurant in English?

Do you know the difference between “soda,” “pop,” and “soft drinks”?

Today we’ll show you what we call soda in different parts of the world and we’ll talk about some controversial laws that ban consumption of large size soda in the United States.

In 2013 New York City banned the sale of the Big Gulp, a large size for a soda at 7-11.

Read more about it here.

Is it ok for New York City to ban a large size cup for soda? What do you think?

Names for soda around the United States:

  • “Pop”: This term is used for soda in the Midwestern part of the United States.
  • “Coke”: Sometimes just the word “Coke” is used as an umbrella term meaning soda. This is used in parts of the Southern United States.
  • “Soft drink”: This is used in more upscale restaurants instead of saying “soda.”


What do you think about the New York City ban on the Big Gulp?

Let us know in the comments.

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