Your preposition problems will be over when we answer today’s question!
Well, not completely but we’ll give you a few good tips to conquer those pesky prepositions in English.
You’ll also find out how to agree with someone’s plans in English using natural English chunks.
AEE Listener Question!
“I am confused about the differences between “to me,” “for me,” and “with me.”
-Naomi, Japan
Naomi, today we’ll clear up your confusion and we’ll show you how to use these prepositions and chunks to agree with someone’s plans.
Our best advice is to treat these as chunks.
Learn the most common ones and link them to a conversation situation if you can.
Always listen for those same chunks after you have learned them.
Think about how natives are using them.
Then go out and try to use them in a conversation.
Some people believe you should start using a phrase right away but we think it’s better if you wait a while and listen to the phrase being used by natives.
Then when you feel comfortable you can start to throw them into the right context.
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Here are the key phrases to agree with someone’s plans:
- “That’s fine with me”
- “That sounds good to me.”
- “That’s alright with me.”
- “That works for me.”
*Remember, learn the whole phrase as a chunk and use them in specific conversation situations.
Don’t try to figure out which preposition belongs.
Listen to the episode to see how Lindsay and Michelle used these in real English conversations.
Leave us a comment below or practice forming your own sentence.