Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

How to use the Internet to learn English

Do you know how to use the Internet correctly to get the best materials and to improve your fluency in English?

Nowadays there is so much material online that it’s hard to know what is a good tool and what is a waste of time.

Find out how to choose the right material and how to use it today with our guest Andrew from Culips.


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3 Tips to Use Online Content to Develop English Fluency:

  • 1) Develop a personal checklist to decide what to study with. On your checklist you should have:
    • Length: Look for shorter materials. Depending on your level the length will vary but anywhere between 5 and 15 or 20 minutes works. It feels motivating when we are able to complete a lesson in one sitting.
    • Interesting: There is no reason to study with something that is boring for you. Choose something that is cool and fun. Find podcast personalities or teachers or topics that you like and get started.
    • Audio and text: If it’s a video it should have a subtitle and if it’s a podcast it should have a transcript.
    • Interaction between two speakers: You want to hear natural and non- scripted language. It should be real and conversational. The material should show you conversation the way that it happens every day between native speakers. Language is not a monologue! You need to see dialogue between people.


  • 2) Use your material and transcribe it. First listen to get the general meaning then focus on the form and the grammar. Listen and write down what you hear. You can choose a key portion of the material to transcribe. It depends on what you have time for. Try to complete the task in one sitting so that you can feel good about your progress.


  • 3) Verbalize the material. It’s important to practice speaking and develop the muscle memory of speaking. Record yourself mimicking what you hear. After you record you can compare your version with the source material. Connect with a teacher to get feedback on how closely you are mimicking the source material.


Andrew’s Bio:
I’m Andrew and I’m one of the hosts at Culips. I’m originally from the West Coast of Canada but I’m presently working as an English language instructor at a university in South Korea. I have a master’s degree in applied linguistics from Concordia University in Montreal and I’m interested in how foreign languages can best be taught and learned. I love that Culips gives me an outlet to share my language and culture with anyone who’s curious. When I’m not podcasting, I like to make rock and roll music, study Korean, play chess, and run!

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