In today’s episode you will learn how to take control of your English by doing it your own way.
Today we have a quote:
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
–Steve Jobs
When you “live someone else’s life,” as an English student, you might follow a teaching methodology that the teacher likes, but maybe it’s not right for you.
How can you own your English life?
Identify what’s important to you- do you want to learn conversational phrases or expressions? Do you want to be able to speak with native speakers?
You could also try learning through your passion. Learn based on what you are interested in.
Follow your learning style. How do you learn best? Is it by listening? Is it visual?
Do you like to learn by watching movies or listening to music? Do you prefer to learn by using the language?
Make English your OWN- make it part of your life.