Today let’s talk about risk!
Do you avoid risks?
Today you will learn how to think about risk in a new way, for both your English skills, your experiences abroad, and your life!
In terms of your English, what improvement opportunities are you losing by avoiding the feeling of risk?
Today’s episode was inspired by a blog post from Seth Godin.
Check your understanding of today’s episode.
Learn the sounds of American English and new vocabulary words.
G took a risk by going to Japan to teach English.
She had a great life in the US. But she wanted some adventure in her life.
She wanted to grow as a person and see what else was out there for her in the world! So she quit her job, sold her condo and went to Japan. It was the right decision.
She learned a lot about a new language and culture.
Lindsay has also taken some risks. She left her affordable apartment in New York City because she heard a deeper voice inside of her that told her that she needed to see Latin America and learn Spanish.
Just like her co-host, she also wanted to explore and see a new part of the world. Because Lindsay took this risk, she can connect with new people here in the US from that part of the world.
This wouldn’t have been possible without this experience.
What does this mean for you? Sometimes taking a risk is the right thing to do!
Take some calculated risks and think about the cost of avoiding a risk!
What will you miss out on if you don’t take that risk!