Welcome! Do you want to know how to speak English at a professional event or at a party?
Do you panic in these situations?
We can help you today.
Today you will get a handful of phrases that will make you sound interested in the person you are speaking with and therefore, make you a more interesting English speaker!
We’ll show you how to speak English at a professional event or even at a party.
Here is today’s quote:
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein
Check your understanding of today’s episode.
Learn the sounds of American English and new vocabulary words
What does this quote mean for you?
Take the spotlight off of yourself. Put the spotlight on other people by trying to help them. This will make you valuable to other people.
Remember that people love to talk about themselves!
Here are some questions that you can use:
- “How are you?”
- “How’s work?”
- “How’s school?”
- “How’s your family?
- “Are you enjoying the event?”
- “What’s it like to ____?”
Now learn how to fill awkward silences at a restaurant in English.
Have you used these phrases at a party?
How did it go?
What other useful questions or phrases do you know for a party?
Let us know in the comments below.