Do you ever feel that you cannot be your true self in English?
Would you like to be able to express yourself authentically in English?
Not sure how to do it?
You are invited to our free live webclass!
The free webclass is happening Monday January 28th at 8pm NYC time and Tuesday January 29th at 10am NYC time.
The name of the webclass is: How to Express Your True Personality in English.CC
You are going to learn:
- Learn who you are in English!
- Find out what do in English to stay motivated and learn more
- Change your spoken English to suit your personality
- Find out what to do next to build the skills that you need to CONNECT in English
Spots are filling up fast! Go here now to reserve your spot.
See you at the live webclass!
Be sure to show up live because we’ll have a fast action bonus that only live attendees will be eligible for PLUS you get to interact with Lindsay and Jessica live and ask questions!