Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

All Ears English Podcast, American English, English conversation podcastDo you know how to forget about your English mistakes to keep learning as quickly as you can?

In this episode you will:

Find out how to stay inspired with your learning and forget about making mistakes in today’s episode.


“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”Frank Smith

Corridor (noun): A hallway


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How can you forget about your English mistakes and stay inspired?

  • fist pumpWhen you learn a new language you can get closer to the local people.
  • Don’t expect perfection from yourself. Native speakers expect you to make mistakes!
  • It’s not just about learning English! You can also learn about the culture through the language.
  • Throw yourself into the experience. Live in an international house or with American people while you are living in the United States.


Thanks for listening today.

Let us know in the comments section below if you are forgetting about your English mistakes quickly!

If so, how is that helping you to learn faster?

We want to hear from you! Leave us a comment now!

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