Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Are you afraid of talking with native English speakers?

We’ll show you how to get over your fear of talking with native English speakers in today’s episode.

Here is today’s quote:

Life is inherently risky. There is only one risk you should avoid at all costs and that is the risk of doing nothing.”

Why should you take risks with your English?

The best language learners take risks every day. They enter conversations. They answer questions in class.

They put themselves outside of their comfort zone.

AEE Transcripts 1-17Get the transcripts for this episode!

Use the transcripts to move your English from intermediate to advanced.

Learn native pronunciation and vocabulary.

Click here to get the transcripts!

Here are some ways to take more risks:

  • Ask for directionsrisk quote
  • Ask for a restaurant recommendations
  • Attend specific events such as
  • Find a way to draw attention to yourself so that people start conversations with you
  • Create an alter-ego. Think of yourself as an actor on stage. Make your “English-speaker persona” social and outgoing


We want to hear your ideas! Please answer this question in the comments section below:

What risks have you taken the last 1-3 months to speak with native English speakers?

Tell us what you did and tell us if you were successful.

What did you learn from taking that risk?

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