In today’s bonus episode we’ll answer a question from one of our listeners about how to listen and understand when you don’t know anything at all about the topic.
This is something that a lot of English learners struggle with and our goal is to help you finally conquer this challenge in 2017 and beyond!
Here is our listener’s question:
“So glad to receive your email about listening.
I think the biggest problem of listening for me is that sometimes I don’t know enough background information about some specific situations or issues. I can totally understand the main idea but I’m still kind of confused about “some specific things or subjects” in others’ sentences.
Maybe I can guess what they really mean but not often and not always accurately. So I may easily and completely get lost because of this long and unknown subjects conversation. Could you please give me some advice or some specific topics you guys frequently talk about in your daily lives?
Appreciate your reply very much and wish you guys have a good day!”
Chai Song
What can you do when you don’t know anything about the topic?
First of all, our course that we will release later this fall will help you overcome this exact challenge.
Practice makes perfect:
You can’t expect yourself to do something well if you don’t practice it.
You need to practice being in unfamiliar situations.
You don’t have confidence now because you haven’t had a chance to prepare for these real- life, unfamiliar situations.
How to build familiarity with situations:
In our course we’ll show you how to enter a conversation by asking yourself a couple of questions- and how to bring in your own experience- to start to build the context so that you’ll understand better.
We’ll show you how to access your own opinions so that you can build a connection somehow.
Want to get on the VIP list to be invited when our course is ready?
Click here to get your first lesson for free and to get on the list.