Why is it so hard to understand native English pronunciation?
Today we’ll show you how native English speakers drop the final consonant of their words.
We’ll also show you how you can train your brain to be ready for this.
During Lindsay’s cross-country trip in the summer of 2016 she interviewed a teenager in Michigan.
They talked about a lot of things like the city of Detroit, gun laws in the United States, and more.
How does this lesson help you?
The way that Rae talks in the interview is kind of “cool” and without much emphasis on her words.
She talked in a way that nothing was a big deal to her without using any intonation.
A lot of young people and teenagers use this lack of intonation.
Rae also dropped the final consonant in her words in the video interview.
This is something that not just teenagers do, but a lot of native speakers of all ages do this.
In our course we use this interview to help you practice listening to natives when they drop the final consonant of their words.
For example, in the video you hear the words “just don’t know” and it’s pronounced by dropping the T in “just” and the T in “don’t” so that all of the words get squished together.
Listen to the episode to hear how this is pronounced by real native speakers.
In the lesson “Cool Pronunciation” in the course you will listen to this interview and you will train you brain to listen for these dropped consonants.
You will get comfortable hearing this kind of speaking so that you will be ready to interact with native speakers and build real connections.
If you want to be on the VIP list to hear about this course when it’s ready, click here.
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