Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Do you want to get ahead at work but struggle with the right thing to say in English?

Do you want to have the right mindset to help you to get that promotion or to be successful professionally speaking?

Today Jessica talks about an upcoming event that you can’t miss, which is all about how you can get ahead in the workplace.

You will find out why getting a promotion at work starts with having the right mindset.

This is all focused on talking about you and your true value so that you can get to the right business opportunities.

You will learn how to make this work, and why it’s as much about the mindset as it is about the words that you say.

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Getting Ahead At Work

If you have ever wanted to get ahead at work, then you know that this isn’t always an easy conversation to have.

You may feel as if you want to talk about the valuable things that you’ve done, and yet you don’t want to feel as though you are bragging.

This is a situation that many people find themselves in, as they want to get that big promotion but they don’t always know the right approach.

If you have found yourself feeling the same way, then you are not alone—you will find that it’s all about what you say, how you say it, but also about your mindset as well.

That’s something important to remember because while what you say matters, you have to be sure to have the right mindset present as well.

If you are at this point in your life and your career, then you will find that you can benefit from the next web class that we are going to be offering.

Aubrey and Jessica are doing a web class in April all about how you can get your next promotion in English.

What does that mean exactly?

Our goal is to help you be prepared and confident, so that you can go in and ask for what you truly deserve.

There is great vocabulary to know which matters to a certain extent, but overall the inspiration part is what’s so exciting.

We want you to succeed and make the leap to your next big goal!

You can be successful, but you just have to know what to say and how to say it—and this all starts with having the right mindset.

You can have all the grammar, but you have to have the right mindset at the foundation of all of this.

The web class will help you to get all of these answers, and also help to get you into the right mindset that you need.

You want to be sure to register for this web class as it’s coming up quickly in March.

Your Next Promotion

This is so motivational and it has three clear sections—what you need to do and say before and during these important meetings.

How Do You Approach This?

So you know that it’s about what you say and also having the right mindset—so how do you set out to make this happen for yourself?

The approach can sometimes be the tricky part as you may feel unsure of how to begin this process and make things happen for yourself.

What do you say to your boss?

How do you get ready?

How do you make this run to your advantage?

This is where you embrace confidence and really work to convey all of your strong points into the right words to convince your boss.

It’s often around this time where people tend to lose their motivation, and we want you to keep it and hold onto it.

Motivation can be cyclical when it comes to succeeding in our careers—but you have to keep a continual push on meeting your career goals.

Basically the right approach comes down to having the initiative to take a stand and to communicate what you want and what you deserve.

We have two quotes to share with you today, and we will reflect on what they mean and why they are important to you.

We’ll leave you with the second one, but the first applies directly to this approach that you need to take to get what you want and deserve.

“Don’t wait for the right opportunity—create it.”

This is saying that you can’t sit back and wait for something to happen for you—sometimes you have to make things happen for yourself and take the initiative to put that in place.

Putting This To Work With Real Life Experience

So we’re saying that you have to go after what you really want and make it happen.

You can’t just wait for things to come your way, but rather you have to put in the effort and focus to get what you want.

Lindsay is a real life example of this, as she had this experience when she created AEE from the ground up all on her own.

It could never be here without the team and everything that everyone puts into it, but it started with her having the idea and the motivation to start something from scratch.

Lindsay was an ESL teacher and wanted to introduce a new way of teaching English, and so she called up her friend and decided to start a podcast.

She had no experience in being on a podcast, so she had to just create it from scratch.

This was not as popular then, so she had nothing to help her and she just had to get things going on her own and make them happen.

Even the courses were something that started early on without any idea of what they were doing or how to make it work.

They saw an opportunity and they wanted to create something—and so they did!

You can’t just wait around and hope for things to come to you, sometimes you have to create something on your own and make it happen.

You have to surround yourself with people who will help you, motivate you, or support you.

Think of it this way, in order to be successful these days professionally speaking you need to have that extra special something.

These days everyone has a college degree for example, and this would have been a big deal in your career path in the past.

Now though everyone has a college degree, so you want to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

You want to be innovative and show that you are really good at what you do, and that you are an asset.

You have to be your own advocate and show what you have done and why you are such a value to the company and the team.

You can’t just wait for your boss to recognize your effort and experience—you have to go for it and show them!

What Makes You Stand Out?

It’s easy to doubt yourself or to really question what makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

We all live inside our own heads, because it’s natural.

We tend to think that everyone around us knows things in the same way as us, but the reality is that there is something that you do well.

There is something that makes you stand out, helps you to excel, or allows you to be an asset—and that’s what you need to focus your attention on and convey.

We have to communicate with others around us, and we have to tell others what we are good at and ask for the next step because of it.

If you have 20 or so coworkers, your managers may not know you exactly or your strengths or achievements.

They may not know that a project is successful because of you—and so you have to advocate for yourself to show that!

This may be even bigger when it comes to gender related issues, because you have to build your case for how you have affected the bottom line.

Jessica is one that has always stood up for herself and advocated for herself, and that was a good thing.

It often resulted in her being the only female on a project or as part of a team.

She may have been the only one that asked to be there, and so this was the end result.

This can be traumatic when it comes to gender issues, and shows even more why you have to be your own best advocate.

You have to build a case in the right way, but it comes down to using the right language.

Some people think that bragging about your accomplishments is a bad thing.

The thing is though you want to be sure to talk about what you have done well so that your manager knows it and can reward that.

You have to be your own best advocate or else you won’t get to where you want to be.

It’s not a bad thing to brag or put it out there so that others can see the value that you add and that helps you to get ahead.

Remember the mindset always, because it matters greatly.

We’ll leave you with the final quote that gives you a lot to think about.

“Don’t wait for your ship to come in—swim up to it.”

Go after what you want and deserve, and make it your own!


When it comes to moving forward with your career, you have to be your own advocate sometimes.

You don’t want to look at it as bragging, rather than celebrating your own accomplishments.

You have to show the value that you add to your company and to your team, as this will help you to get to where you want to be professionally speaking.

In order to get the promotion, you need to have the conversations and the right mindset every step of the way.

If you can think like this, be your own best advocate, and have these conversations, then you can take your career to where you want it to go and be truly successful.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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