Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Should you always ask your native English teacher or English exchange partner for English corrections?

No! There are specific situations when you should get corrections and there are other times when you should not get them.

When should you be corrected and when should you not be corrected?

Find out today.

When do you need corrections?

Anyone who is below an intermediate level should always be corrected because they are still building the skills they need.

When you’re doing language focused or technical activities you need corrections.

When want to improve a tool like a verb tense or specific vocabulary phrases then someone should be correcting you.

You need to be corrected in these situations so that you have an outcome.



When do you NOT need correction?

Don’t get corrections when you are focusing only on connection and communication. In this case corrections will hurt you.

If you get stopped in the middle of your train of thought you will be taken out of the context so you won’t be able to connect.

During the Urban English Adventure there was no time to worry about mistakes.

Students were fully immersed with natives in English and they became more spontaneous.


What should you do?

You should go into every single English activity with intention.

Decide whether it’s a technical activity to improve something specific or is it a communication-based activity where you are building skills to connect.




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