Do you sound awkward when you use numbers when it comes to years, money, and phone numbers in English?
Today we’ll show you how to stop sounding awkward and start sounding natural!
- I was born in 1981: We don’t say “I was born in one thousand, nine hundred and eighty one” instead we say “I was born in nineteen eighty one.”
- I was born in ’81: You can shorten a year by just saying the last two numbers of any year.
- We are in 2015: You can say “we are in twenty fifteen” or “We are in two thousand fifteen.”
- My rent is $330: We don’t say “My rent is three hundred and thirty dollars” but instead we say “My rent is three-thirty”
- My coffee cost $3.24: We don’t say “my coffee cost three dollars and twenty four cents” but instead we say “my coffee cost three twenty four”
Phone numbers:
- 347-554-1774: Sometimes we group together the last four digits of a phone number. We also group together the first sets of 3 numbers. You could finish this number by saying “seventeen seventy four” or by saying “one seven, seven, four”
- We say “o” rather than “zero” when zero comes in a phone number, for example 352-2301
What other questions do you have about using numbers when it comes to money, phone numbers, and years?
Let us know in the comments below.