So, do you want a ride?
This summer, Lindsay is on an adventure of a life time. She’s road tripping across the U.S., and putting videos on YouTube every week!
With these videos, I’m also going to create some listening exercises based on one video a week- you can get these at
In the fall, we’re going to build a listening course that reflects the REAL AMERICA, not only how native speakers really talk, but what we really talk about.
Sure, you can understand an ESL podcast, maybe even some, or a lot, of a movie, but, can you participate in a conversation with native speakers?
This is the challenge. This is also why you are learning English in the first place!
So, come on the adventure with us! See the side of our country that you can’t find anywhere else- and improve your listening skills while you’re at it.
Go to and get in on the adventure!
What are your listening challenges?
Leave us a message in the comments section below! And wish Lindsay good luck on her travels!