Today you’ll hear a high scoring IELTS Speaking Part 2 describing a festival.
On the IELTS Speaking Exam, festivals and celebrations are common questions on all 3 parts.
In the last video, we talked about 8+ vocabulary you can use to talk about festivals.
In Speaking Part 1, you could be asked about parties or celebrations you’ve been to, or want to go to. In Part 2, you could be asked to describe a festival you’ve attended. In Part 3, you could be asked about traditional celebrations and customs of your country.
Today, you’ll get a native sample Part 2 answer describing a festival.
Note that in my introduction, I say that this topic was not immediately easy for me to come up with an answer for, as I don’t attend many festivals.
I follow up by saying why, as I don’t enjoy large crowds and many festivals are actually quite pricey. (Use the beginning of your answer to explain why you chose the topic you are going to discuss.)
Then, I say what I will focus on, namely, a music festival I went to 8 years ago.
Next, I continue to describe, in detail, the context of the festival, where it was, and why I went there.
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The main exciting feature of the festival was that I got to see one of my favorite bands of all time, Pearl Jam, and high-five the singer, Eddie Vedder!
When I’m sharing this information, my pronunciation becomes obviously excited.
When you describe something that was joyous for you, your pronunciation should reflect this. Remember, in order to get a 7+ for pronunciation, you must show expressiveness.
Therefore, getting an awesome topic about a festival or celebration is lucky, because it should be easier to show emotion when describing something exciting.
Try to bring up images and detailed memories of that which you want to describe, and convey the details using specific and descriptive words, and also the feelings you experienced through your pronunciation.
To practice what being expressive feels like, you can watch 10 seconds of my answer and try to mimic how I speak. Then, try to answer this Part 2 question yourself!
How would you answer today’s sample Part 2 question?
Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!