Lately, we have noticed our native English speaking family and friends are opening their statements with the word ‘question.’
Today we’ll share what function this serves and what it means for connection.
Listen in and find out today.
How much coffee do Michelle and Lindsay drink?
Michelle starts the episode by saying, “Question. How much coffee have you had today?”
Lindsay answers that she has had one cup but she is just getting started.
She usually has six regular cups of coffee a day.
It may sound a lot but Lindsay looked it up and it’s fine as long as she doesn’t drink 25 cups a day.
Michelle shares that she is drinking more coffee than usual because she gets up early.
She is up at 4:30 a.m. because her daughter wakes up early.
She is definitely feeling exhausted and coffee is what helps her survive daily.
Starting a question with ‘Question.’
Today you will learn about a unique way that people start a question.
Many native English speakers use the word ‘question’ at the beginning of a question.
You can also refer to a recent episode that tackles nuanced phrases that wouldn’t usually be taught in English textbooks.
You can check out AEE 2102: We Couldn’t Agree with You More! How to Validate Someone in English.
Asking a question
Michelle asks Lindsay if she uses ‘question’ before she asks a question.
Lindsays says definitely.
It’s a modern way to start a conversation with a question.
This is a good way to catch someone’s attention because you are going to ask something important or interesting.
Here are some examples:
- Question- do we start the clock now or just when the actual presentation begins?
- Question- how do we log into our youtube account?
- Question- why is it so tough to get tickets for this show,do you think?
Grab attention!
This is often done to add style and personality when asking a question.
It’s a signal to show something will likely be a quick question.
Your audience’s attention will be grabbed.
This would not be used for questions where a long response is expected.
It’s usually a quick and zippy question.
It is also used to interject and ask about how to do something or what someone thinks should be done.
A variety of questions
There are similar ways you can use ‘question’ rather than just the word alone.
Here are other ways:
- Quick question for you, Michelle. Are you free Sunday for a quick recording?
- The question is – this is a bit different! This is less to someone and more general
- The question is, how can we get the money if we aren’t there on time?”
- The question is, why haven’t they called back yet?”
Here is a quick roleplay from Lindsay and Michelle using the tips they’ve shared in today’s episode.
In this scenario, Lindsay and Michelle are coworkers.
Lindsay: Hey Michelle- quick question for you. What’s the password for the general company account?
Michelle: Oh it’s Foxtrot601.
Lindsay: Thanks!
Michelle: Sure thing. Question – are you free for happy hour tonight?
Lindsay: Sure!
Michelle: Amazing. The question is, where should we go that isn’t already booked?
Lindsay: Hmmm I’ll think about it.
Now you have fun ways to introduce a quick question.
You can try them out and throw them in a conversation to make your English sound more native.
Using ‘question’ is also a good opener to talk about a topic you may be interested in or someone is happy to talk about.
Experimenting with using words will give you more confidence to make a good connection.
Are there any other English quirks you have a question about?
Share one in the comments below.