Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"
Aubrey Carter
"3 Keys IELTS Certified Coach"

The answers for many IELTS Reading questions are not found in order.

It’s important to be aware of when this will happen.

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the questions that are in order.

In this second part of the series, we’ll dive into the questions that are not in order.

This information will save you precious time on test day!

#1: Y/N/Ng and T/F/Ng

T/F/Ng articles contain mostly facts while Y/N/Ng reading is more likely to contain opinions.

These answers are usually found in order for the most part.

However, IELTS says they sometimes are not.

This is very rare and likely the order of just one or two answers will be flipped.

These questions have statements that you must determine if they are true, false or there is not enough info.

We have recorded many episodes about these.

Check out IELTS Energy 808: Just Say No to Inferencing and Other Tips for Y/N/NG.

#2: Summary completion

For these questions, a summary of the reading is provided.

Words or phrases will be missing from the summary.

All of this information will be found in one section of the passage.

Be sure to predict the types of words that will be required.

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#3: Picture completion

These exercises include the following:

  • Diagrams
  • Flow charts
  • Tables
  • Maps

This question type is not common.

Instructions might say “Write no more than two words” or “Write no more than two words and/or a number.”

You will see a picture with labels.

These could be letters and you then write the letter as your answer.

These answers are often in just one part of the passage and often in just one or two paragraphs.

#4: Matching Names to Statements

These questions will ask about proper nouns mentioned in the passage.

The information for these questions will be a bit easier to find.

This is because you are looking for names which will be capitalized.

However, keep in mind that you must also scan for pronouns.

#5: Matching Headings to Paragraphs

You will see a list of headings for these questions.

The answers are always roman numerals: i, ii, iii, iv.

They may be capitalized or in lower case.

Paragraphs will be labeled with those roman numerals

These should be fast!

You will NOT read the entire passage!

This is because headings are main ideas.

They are almost always found in the beginning or end of a paragraph or section.

That’s where the answers are!

#6: Matching Information to Paragraphs

This question type will likely take the most time.

The information can be found anywhere in the passage.

For this reason, it should be saved until the end.

That way, you are as familiar as possible with the passage before completing these.


You need IELTS strategies that will save you time on test day.

One of the biggest time-savers for IELTS Reading is knowing which questions are in order.

Don’t miss part 1 of this series: IELTS Energy 1378: (Part 1) Which IELTS Reading Answers are In Order?

With both installments of this series, we share details about every IELTS Reading question type.

With these tips, you’ll know which answers can be found in order.

For all the strategies you need, sign up for our online course 3 Keys IELTS!

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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