Today find out what’s going wrong if you’re going off topic and find out how to fix this problem!
Here is a question from a listener:
“In Writing I often go off the topic, not giving clear answers on the essay question”
The way to solve this problem is to do a thorough brainstorm before you start writing.
Also as you’re writing you should be constantly checking back to your list of ideas to make sure you are covering what you thought of.
You are not going to be brainstorming during the writing phase.
You should also check back to the question two or three times while you are brainstorming.
Make sure you go deep enough in the brainstorm process to come up with the supporting examples that you need.
You need two columns in every brainstorm. You will usually write an argument essay in Writing Task 2.
You’ll have “agree” in one column and “Disagree” in another column.
You have to plan before you write.
In our course we have a simple outline that shows you how to organize your ideas.
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For students in our course, most of them are well organized if they have used our templates.
Many of them go wrong when they try to add too many ideas without supporting them thoroughly with clear examples.
Jessica is usually able to work with these students in our Power Hours to show them how to clean up their essays.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.