Today you’ll learn 8+ IELTS idioms about health to use on your next IELTS Exam.
‘Health‘ is a common topic on the IELTS Exam, in all sections. Thus, being able to utilize idiomatic language is vital to securing high vocabulary scores, and understanding information you read or hear.
Native idioms about health:
I’m not feeling like myself today– This could be physical, or mental. If you have a little cold, or a case of the sniffles, for instance, you could say this.
This could also mean you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed, so to speak, and you feel a bit cranky or weird.
You could strategically employ this on the IELTS Speaking Exam by saying, “Sorry, I’m not feeling like myself today, I have a case of the sniffles. Could you repeat the question?”
Alive and kicking– This emphasizes the fact that you are just existing, not doing really well or really bad.
You could use this in Speaking Parts 1 or 2 if you describe an old person, who you expect would have died right now but hasn’t. “The most incredible family member I have is my maternal grandmother. And, despite all expectations, she is still alive and kicking.”
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White as a sheet / White as a ghost– You could use this to describe someone who is sick and pale, or even got a big fright, and has lost all color from their face.
Go under the knife– This just means having surgery.
How would you use today’s vocabulary?
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