By now, you realize that the IELTS Speaking Exam is not like daily conversation. You cannot just answer even simple questions with short, simple sentences.
That’s why even some native speakers don’t impress immediately in Speaking Part 1.
All IELTS candidates need to know exactly what the examiner is looking for in order to satisfy expectations.
Rule #1: Keep Talking
- In Speaking Part 1, aim for 3-5 sentences.
- However, don’t talk forever and wander and repeat yourself though!
- For example: I’m studying Spanish at the moment because last year I went to South America and couldn’t communicate with anyone. So, I’m studying Spanish 3 nights a week. It’s a short subway ride from my house, and the professor is from Chile.
- This follows one 3 Keys strategy– when thinking of details to add, think of the question words who/what/when/where/why/how.
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Rule #2: Be descriptive
- Add adjectives and adverbs whenever possible.
- For example: I live in a tiny, minuscule apartment.
- When using redundant adjectives for emphasis, make sure to stress the second adjective to show that you are using the language in a native way, not just repeating synonyms.
Rule #3: Have an image in your mind
- When describing something, call up an image in your mind to describe in detail.
- Your goal is to create an image in the examiner’s mind as well- that’s fluent communication!
- Listen to talented story tellers to learn how to do this. Some podcast recommendations: The Moth Radio Hour, Snap Judgement, or Love + Radio.
- Learn how to express your feelings, and these you can add to any answer on the Speaking Exam.
Are you practicing today’s advice?
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