In today’s show, you’ll learn how to formulate your IELTS promise for 2018!
This time of year is perfect for establishing your motivation– and IELTS is part of reaching your dream!
One of the first steps we ask students to take when they get into our course is to write out their IELTS promise, and share it publicly in our closed Facebook group, and with someone in their life.
Declaring this to loved ones and to the world makes you accountable for fulfilling this promise.
Plus, the way you establish this promise connects it to the end game, helping you keep this in mind.
Examples of IELTS promises:
I will be taking my IELTS Exam on [date]. When I reach my score of 7 I will be able to enter into express entry for Canada immigration. I want to do this because I want to live and work permanently in Canada. This will help me achieve my dream of bringing my family, and have a world-class education for my children. Thus, I commit to using this course to prepare for my exam at least 7 times a week. I am most excited about the Speaking and Anti-anxiety modules because they will help me express my ideas in clear and organized ways. I have shared my goals with my husband.
This shows you a great template for your own statement.
First, register for the exam so you have a deadline.
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Then, state the score you need, the reason you need this and then 2-3 reasons why you want to accomplish this.
Finally, commit to an amount of time every week that you’ll study for your goal.
I will be taking my IELTS Exam in August. When I receive a target score in 8.5 in all modules this will open the door of opportunity for me with the option to immigrate to Canada or Australia. I want to do this because it will give me the opportunity to practice as a biomedical scientist which has been my passion for years. This will help me achieve my dream of becoming a permanent resident skilled worker. Therefore, I commit to using this to prepare for my exam 5 times a week. I’m most excited about the Listening modules because it will help my improve my communication skills in the workplace.
This is fantastic! Not only will our course help you get the IELTS scores you need, but the habits it helps you engender will aid you in other spheres as well, such as at work.
My promise is that when I receive a score of 7 I will apply to a program at NorQuest College. I want to do this because I want to be a pharmacy technician. This will help me achieve my dream of helping more people get access to healthcare. Thus, I commit to use this course at least 10 times a week. I shared my promise with my wife.
If you’re busy, remember that you can split up your practice and study twice a day– perhaps an hour in the morning and another hour at night.
Now would be a great time to undertake our New Year’s IELTS Challenges.
Then, dedicate yourself to reaching your IELTS goals this year!
What is your IELTS promise?
Share your declaration with everyone in the comments section below!