Today you’ll hear sample IELTS Part 2 answers about photographs.
Click here for Nymaa’s episode, and learn how she got an overall 7.5 on her first attempt!
Lindsay and Jessica do their own IELTS Part 2 sample answers about a photograph they like.
Notes from Lindsay’s answer:
- at the very summit of the mountain
- 1990’s era clothing
- amazing sense of nostalgia from my teenage years
- go around the kitchen table and it’s there, boom!
- symbolizes a sense of togetherness within my family
Lindsay made it to 1:33, which was short by about half a minute.
Firstly, we don’t take notes like students do on the exam, so that’s a challenge!
Lindsay could have slowed down a bit while talking, or, simply turned to another photograph.
If you’ve provided a complete context about the first object you’re describing, you can go into another story about a different photo.
Yes, the Speaking Part 2 topic is always singular. However, if you have completely explored the one thing, it’s OK to pivot to another example.
You can just say, “So, I know I was only supposed to talk about one photo, but I’ve honestly said EVERYTHING I could about that, so let me tell you about another one.”
Notes from Jessica’s answer:
- manila envelope of photographs
- pairing down
- toting around boxes
- siphoning off things among the three of us
- chubby cherub of a baby
- slathered in chocolate frosting
- straight up face plant
- baby fistfuls of cake and stuffing it into his mouth
- what this image depicts
Set the stage as completely as you can to fluently fill the 2 minutes!
What photograph would you describe?
Share your answer in the comments section below!